Continuing on My Healing Journey

Hi guys. Ciao! From Italy. I’m on an 8 hour train ride to Sicily and the landscapes are gorgeous! Let me tell you about my journey for the last couple of months that have lead up to me randomly vacationing in Europe. In January, I went to a Hatha/Kundalini/Tantra/Pranayama 200 hour yoga teacher training in Bali, with Shoshanti Yoga. And in February, I went to a more focused Tantra women’s training school in India, with Satya Loka Traditional Tantra School.

2 posts ago, I told you guys a long story about my spiritual awakening and where my healing journey towards the spinal injury of my herniated L5 disc has been.  I would like to share with you the new findings of my healing journey.  There are so may facets to healing from emotional, to mental, to anatomical, physiological and biological and the journey has been an emotional rollercoaster ride.

When I went to my first yoga teacher training in Bali, I was defeated. Many of the attendees were “Vinyasa heads” and connected to yoga more for the physical aspects, rather than the connection to the spirit, which is what is focused on in traditional Hatha.  I spent my sessions easing in and out of poses and honoring my body. Bikram in the past, when I was in athletic shape, focused on the masculine energy in the mastery of the pose. I find myself currently in the yin, healing where I surrender to the feminine.  Too much yang had many of my muscle groups tight.  What I discovered is that I was holding in the body.  But not only in the body, emotionally as well.

So here is a chart of the emotions we carry in the body.  Identify every single tight zone or trouble area you may have and look up the emotion correlated with these stagnant energies in the body.  Ironically, they are all pretty accurate.  I got really clear on what my intentions were for each yoga session.  This became a highly healing retreat for me.  I would wrote down 20 of my emotional blocks, and in one session, I would have life changing and altering shifts in mindset, as well as physical fascial releases. I continued doing this during the last two weeks of the retreat and shifted all that my heart was desiring DAILY and quickly, with little need for integration time.  The ability to observe without judgment. A hard leap for anyone to not taking things personal, and a leap out of my spiritual ego.  The biggest shift was the strengthening of energetic boundaries and protecting myself.  Only we can control with our subconscious mind what others take.  Energy vampires cannot take if you do not allow it to be so. It all begins with self. Scan your body and take note of your tight zones. And scan this chart. It will be uncanny how accurate it is and how certain emotions scientifically are proven to hold in certain areas of the body. Some people clear the physical and the emotions simultaneously without even being conscious of it. But the emotions release whether or not you are conscious of it. If you don’t heal the emotion, the injury will vibrationally continue reoccurring.

My next retreat in India, I was specifically really interested in anatomy. My anatomy teacher was a whiz!  I had discovered bandhas on a deeper level, or what a personal trainer would call activating your core. We have 3 bandha’s the root, the navel and the throat. In further activating these centers, I came to a place where I could self align my posture. In studying their amazing anatomy course they were using, I discovered that my trouble zones navigate through the entire core which is from the neck and all the intercostals down to the adductors or inner thighs.  I started doing simple tests and activation exercises, which I know from personal training and corrective exercise specialist training, and these tests showed me that my adductors were completely inactive. This morning on the bus, I hurt my back carrying my suitcase.  This actually activated a part in my middle back where I was inactive.  Now I am finally sitting up straight with good posture, despite my back pain which will go away in a few days. Now, when people think core, they often think abs, but there is a kinetic chain of muscles that connect from neck to the lower extremities that work together in synchronicity to hold the posture and spine straight, hold the hip in place, keep the knees in alignment and keep the muscles from moving without blockages. This begins with a strong core and includes the scalenes, the iliopsoas, the adductors and the TFL. The psoas, TFL and the piriformus were three muscle groups I completely looked over. If you scan the internet there is a lot of incomplete information on how to heal these issues. Bodybuilders are concerned with the primary movers and muscular stature, that they often overlook these stabilizing muscles. And that’s why you see legends like RONNIE COLEMAN on JOE ROGAN talking about why he has had surgery on each and every one of his spine vertebrae’s. It’s often hard to diagnose when you have pain in your neck, your back, and your knee, and it’s coming from an imbalance within your entire kinetic chain that you never consciously pay attention to. This needs to all cohesively be addressed.

As I studied this anatomy course, I started learning more about the illiopsoas and how the entire core and legs function together as a whole.  My entire spine injury has been related to the psoas being tight.  This specifically pulls on the inactive QL muscles and is the cause of my l5 herniated disc.  But what also caused the psoas from being tight?  One. Wearing high heels in the club and at work for years. 2 the constant tilt of the pelvis to stick out the glutes in bodybuilding IN HEELS gave me a tilted pelvis.  When walking around in Bali I realized the hips were tilted and started walking with a straight hip for once spontaneously. On another note, the scalenes or neck muscle are also part of the core and affect the entire body. Typing on the computer and being on the iPhone a lot gives your neck a curve forward which can effect your entire posture and create upper crossed syndrome affecting also your upper back shoulders and lat movements. On the 3rd note… I was sitting in a bean bag chair playing video games for 15 hours a day during Covid lockdown.  Sitting in this position for long hours shortens the psoas.  It was a beautiful disaster and all the perfect conditions for this spontaneous injury to happen.  

So what have I been discovering about my body now?  Well, the spine I have known is curved in several places and is not being stabilized.  Breast implants causes my upper body to have a slight slouch. I need to remove my breast implants. The herniated disc has my psoas pulling down so my QL wasn’t stabilizing my core. So this has my spine curving in three places. This is because the stabilization of the spine in the l5 and sacrum doesn’t allow me to have strength to balance when there are multiple tight zones in the body.  So I have been chasing around static stretching and foam rolling tight areas while instability moves back and forth throughout my body and spine. You have to really learn to move the body in a free way as I liked to call ecstatic movement.  Rotate the body parts into each direction so that you can move tight and stagnant areas especially in the joints and hips.  Kind of like an ecstatic dance where you let the body move wildly however it chooses to.

Now it wasn’t yoga that specifically helped me heal.  Yoga helped me learn to release, tune into the body more and listen to what the emotions were telling me to heal, and yoga specifically focused on the core and spine.  I found most poses difficult because my posture was so out of alignment and when you are out of alignment, you cannot hit poses without hurting yourself more.  So the key was to back out of the pose and listen to where I need to soften.  This started helping me realign naturally.  Little bit at a time.  But it wasn’t all the answer.  I will say tho… diaphragmatic breathing helps a lot. Breathing incorrectly can cause more anxiety and stress if we have reversed breathing or incorrect breathing patterns. I had to fine tune my breath work. But through breath work and clearing the noise, you get more clear in your process.

I recall seeing a Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation specialist in Vegas when I was first healing in 2020.  I only went to one session and then I quit because I couldn’t afford it.  As I sit here on the train, my friend txt me that he could tap into my energy and my hamstrings were inactive. He always is tapping into my energy, it’s so bizarre I thought he was crazy at first, but then I started listening and our interactions became gold.

So what I did was ground my heels into the ground.  I squeezed my bandhas.  Closed my eyes.  And went into a meditative breath to tap into the body and the energy.  I could feel energy open through the hamstrings and it released the tension between the feet, all the way up the back, to the neck, and opened the entire core channel from feet to neck.  Now my hamstrings are back online.  I played with this push and pull technique in the rest of my body.  This is how I reactivated muscles in my upper body when I had a shoulder injury and dislocated my shoulder. 

The strange thing I noticed is when I sit in a chair, I keep my toe constantly flexed.  This is a programmed condition from wearing heels.  So for about 15 minutes I deeply focused on driving my energy deep into my feet, mainly the heels. This released more tension in the entire core line, hip tension, and tension in my knee.  My feet still go in flex but it’s not as bad.  I think I will incorporate these grounding techniques daily until I release the tension in my feet. This will affect my entire kinetic chain.  As I play with the grounding of my heels, the tension of my hips and lower back release.  As I play with tension in the neck, the jaw, the shoulders, tension also in my back and hip release.  Tension and intensity in the nervous system in the past had my upper and lower extremities putting stress on the body with opposing torsion. I had beginning states of plantar fasciatus and have to constantly keep the feet stretching. It’s quite painful and when you get these kind of injuries they can become life long and incurable if left untreated for too long.

You have to find the muscles that are also inactive.   For me, my entire body went inactive during my state of paralysis at the beginning of the injury.  I had to reactivate every muscle in my body on my own.  But the crazy thing is new little muscle groups will fire off, ones that you forgot and didn’t know they were there. My injury is very unexplained. I had good posture then and was in bodybuilder shape. I believe I had done some injections and we had used a generic hylauronic acid. Could I have gotten neurotoxin? There is something about this that seems highly neurological and not purely physical. The central nervous system is not suppose to repair. But for some reason, I was able to turn things back on. Energy and reiki jump started the engine. But now I had to figure out every wire of the car and how to put it back together on my own. This can be very expensive if you try to pay for it, but I noticed that I always called in what I needed among friends, family and professional trade work, and hired professionals here and there when I could.


  • Apart from healing the mind and negative self talk, I had to do plant medicine to open my mind, make lifestyle changes, and change the relationship with myself and how I show up for myself.
  • Healing the emotions and stuck trauma, I had to do a lot of shadow work and learned cbt and dbt therapy as well as energy clearing.
  • Calming the nervous system through breath work, aruveydic diet and proper exercise and yoga.
  • Learning how to diaphragmatic breathe correctly through yoga and breath work facilitation. (there are many types)
  • Learning to surrender, soften and let go (through yoga) FINDING THE BALANCE
  • Activating core (through exercise and yoga)
  • Restrengthening the under active muscles. (primary muscle weight training)
  • Stretching tight areas via static stretch and foam rolling (you can hire a CES specialist or look up corrective exercise and CES analysis if you are anatomy savvy)
  • Reactivating unactivated muscle groups. (PNF therapy or dry needle acupuncture. I was fortunate to have my mom do $5000 worth of free acupuncture on me.). But PNF is a simple technique if you understand anatomy. But there seems to be a lack of quality practitioners. PNF and stretch coaches go in similar categories but are different. Make sure they are a highly qualified practitioner who works with injured people on the regular. The average personal trainer in the corporate gym I see always pretending they know what they’re doing, but I do one mini session with them, and they’re always lost.
  • I went to Bali and I got so many massages. But be careful where you go, get referrals and check reviews. I always like to look for energy body work and healers and Ayurvedic spas as they tend to be better practitioners. But this may not always be the case. Use your intuition!
  • Herbs and food was a huge part of my healing. Yoga diet is nice to lose extra weight and clearing sugars helps the body heal quicker. But I’ve also struggled in the past with thyroid and adrenal burn out. Finding the right foods to eat and the right herbs can help the body and mind replenish and heal quicker. Where as someone with thyroid issues can benefit from a Mediterranean rich diet of avocados, olive oil, eggs and fish and seafood and iodine. Where as someone looking to detox the mind might go sattvic/ayurvedic.

The truth is, there is not one fix for these issues.  You have to heal the emotions and the mind, and the rest will follow.  

Consciousness is key.  Self body awareness is key.  Follow the energy and the body will tell you how to heal itself. I learned intuitively and with a basic knowledge of anatomy and googling a lot about anatomy, brain function and physiology. The body told me how to heal and I listened.

My Current Music Vibes







Sound Cloud

My New Blog 2021

I haven’t blogged for a really long. The truth is, I’ve been undergoing a major transformation in life. Materialism and vanity no longer serve me. I’ve switched my careers to a humbler path: the path of a healer, the subconscious mind, sound healing, astrology and shamanic arts. Get ready to see some new content. That’s right, I went off the deep and found my inner witch! I hope you are vining with my new goddess energy.

Check out my Pandora Star unique modality serving the city of Las Vegas at

This is a natural holistic therapy that produces natural DMT in the brain. It creates new neuropathways and synapses in the brain and can help with a variety of ailments from PTSD, insomnia, depression and other mood disorders. It’s great for introspection and shadow work, and I also use it for shamanic journeying in conjunction with energy work, NLP techniques, meditation, aromatherapy, plant medicine and shamanic theory. Try Delta or Theta Waves, Astral or Hypnagog, 3rd Eye, Relax, Detox, or one of the hundreds of settings.





Deopak chakra is the root chakra.  The first chakra of the main 7 chakras.  It is ruled by the element of earth, of rooting and grounding.  If you know me, you know I am a wild child, a social butterfly, a gypsy, a winged unicorn that doesn’t want to give up her wings.  I like to listen to root chakra music on youtube while I sleep.  I feel more grounded in the morning.  I focus slowly on breathing and visualize my feet growing into a tree and rooting into the ground until I fall asleep I feel completely supported and grounded.  I feel content in my mind until I fade out.  The first chakra is associated with the following functions or behavioral characteristics:

  • Security, safety
  • Survival
  • Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
  • Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
  • Grounding
  • Support and foundation for living our lives

I’m on vacation in California trying to clear my mind.  Find my path if you will.  I’m not sure what direction I am going in.  If I stay in Hawaii and do real estate, or move out to Utah in the country, or try to move to a big city.  I don’t know what I want to do but I’m definitely at a fork in the road.  My baby died on election day.  My puppy got run over on Mother’s Day.   I have been ill and dealing with health issues.  And I haven’t found stable work or been able to focus on real estate full time because being a single mother and maintaining income at the same time as trying to launch a career is challenging and often leaves holes in your mommy game.  I’m really in a strange place and I want to find my roots so I can grow into a strong Koa tree that not even a level 5 hurricane could shake.

The day before I left, I got an email invite to join the Miss Jet Set contest.  So I said… what the hell… I posted some of my favorite old modeling pictures and we’ll see where it goes.  I’ll post a couple social media blasts. *Sorry if I spammed you but thank you so much for the continued support! But I didn’t expect to be in first place after the 4th elimination.

I’m currently working on my fitness content website to help women achieve their fitness goals at no price.  I don’t have working capital so I am working on it grass roots by myself and will hopefully later obtain some funding or grants.  As a business owner, I believe it is important to identify your target market and also incorporate social responsibility into your image.  But I wanted this to be genuine.  As someone who grew up in Hawaii, I am very respectful of the aina (land) and the sea.  After watching the Discovery Channel “Plastic Ocean” my heart was heavy.  I became more concerned for the future of our planet, our beautiful marine life and the food we put in our bodies.  You all know I can be politically outspoken and come off as brash and have hard views, but taking care of our world is not something of “the left” or “the right.” Nor is it a Chinese issue or American issue or Mexican issue. We should all care collectively as a whole.  As a personal trainer since 2008, I’m losing the passion for fitness as corporate and mainstream takes over.  I’d rather share what I know with the world and positively impact others lives through a free fitness content website.  I decided to donate 10%  of all profits of my website to causes related to cleaning up the ocean.  My heart was warmed when I discovered the 16 year old who invented a device to clean the ocean and they are now raising funds to do so.

As I promote the Miss Jet Contest, I apologize, I do get a little spammy.  I have to be consistent and I thank everyone for the awesome support!  Couldn’t do it without all of you!  I follow and interact in a lot of groups which I have interests in, in certain cities like Honolulu and Vegas, in fitness communities, real estate, wine and spirituality and a few cancer and fundraiser charity groups.    We all have our list of groups we like to follow and interact in.  Yesterday I posted my Miss Jet Set link in a spirituality group I interact with.  Facebook sometimes blocks your posts when you over post, so I guess my comment didn’t go through and they just saw a link.  I woke up to a viral debate on my post this morning.

Many were attacking me while others defended me.  I wasn’t upset or hurt or feeling anything.  I think I’ve learned to have empathy for others who judge people because they have not yet learned the lesson of true grief, loss and empathy.  But it turned into an interesting event.  Perhaps I had influenced a lot of people in an indirect way.  Someone even posted a long video apologizing and dissecting their own feelings and behaviors. Our feelings are a reflection of our own subconscious.

“I am not here for your understanding of who I am. I am here for your understanding of who you are. I am your mirror. How you feel about me, what you see in me, the thoughts that arise from your encounter of me, the judgments you hold about me, are all reflections of you. They have nothing to do with me.” Maroutian

It made me realize I am a genuine person.  That even in my madness and what sometimes seems to be a chaotic life, that it gives me purpose to positively make someones life a little better or inspire someone positively.  That we all have our strengths and weaknesses.  That perhaps the world has been unkind to me so that I may appreciate the beauty in good.  There is no light without dark.  There is no heaven without hell.  There is no good without evil.  That we are all human and on our own paths.  Some of us are at different places.  But we all have something to offer each other regardless of sex, race, country of origin or social status.  I have learned from the lowest of street level pimps and drug dealers, to the top echalon of the elite 1% in the world.  And I too have taught them something in an indirect way.  We are all here to impact each others lives and teach and grow.  I have been on a real bad down swing for a while.  And this experience has changed my perspective on some things and my current mindset, for the better.

I don’t know where my path is taking me, and it scares the hell out of me.  But I do know that the path gets clearer everyday as I acknowledge my fears and mistakes and learn and grow from them.

Last month I tatted my banner on my back: “Not all those who wander are lost.”

I’m late for my 1:00 but I had to get this off my chest.

Here’s the link to the Miss Jet Set 2017 contest.  I am currently first in my divison.  Please continue to vote daily, signup for the mailing list, and if you feel generous then please donate to the be positive cancer foundation for more votes.


Kristie Manning

the Road Less Traveled


I’ve traveled paths many would never dare.  Path’s that people judge with dismay and fear. I chose the path less traveled.  I chose adventure.  I chose to live.  I chose to make my own decisions.  I chose to go against the grain and march to my own beat.  I chose to be a free thinker.  I chose to say what was on my mind without thinking.  I chose to live “out there” so that my life was so out of control, I had no choice but to become centered again to find my true master.  I chose to be misunderstood.

There’s a lot of lessons to learn in taking the road less traveled. Through empathy  comes understanding.  Through heartbreak do you only learn to love.  Only through loss do you learn to appreciate.  Through the pains of greed you learn the desire to give.  Through loneliness comes self discovery.  Through addiction you learn control.  Through vanity, you learn to be humble.  Through failure do you learn to become more disciplined.  Death gives you the gift of life.  Through pain comes transformation.

I never had a lot of friends growing up.  I never was popular.  I learned to be mean to keep people away in a subliminal way at a very young age.  It’s easier to keep people away than face rejection.  I don’t know if it’s my strong personality, my strong opinions.  Beauty is it’s own glass ceiling.  It’s a gift and a curse.  Some women can be insecure and drag you down because they are jealous of your beauty.  At the same time, I have an uncanny ability to attract people from all spectrums of the rainbow, including the wrong kind of attention.  CREEPERS and STALKERS.  Lately,  I can be in over the top bitch mode to push people away and it doesn’t always work.

Something simple as smiling more can change peoples perspective of you.  I have horrible RBF (resting bitch face) and don’t smile a lot.  I’m horrible at taking compliments.  Acknowledging them in a positive way with grace is something I am challenged with.  I think people have pre-dispositioned ideas about who they think they are.  What we put out to the world, and who we really are can often conflict and be different things.  I’m a Gemini.  And my rising sign is Scorpio.  Your rising sign is exemplary of how the world perceives you and the image you project.  The Gemini and Scorpio are two COMPLETELY OPPOSITE signs in the Zodiac.  Where Gemini is highly communicative, confident, a social butterfly, very forgiving, fun and a fiery lover and highly intellectual and super indecisive; the Scorpio is mysterious, highly sexual and passionate, jealous,  unforgiving, however highly decisive and assertive.  See the oppositional traits?  Who I project to the world can often be the complete opposite of who I really am.  I had an ex once tell me, the person I am when we are home together alone is different from what others see.  It’s beautiful when you allow someone to see you as you truly are.  Maybe he’s one of the few people I actually allowed to see.  It’s not that I’m a fake person by any means.  I think I’m a pretty awesome person, but I don’t feel like everyone is deserving of my awesomeness.  What I’ve learned in this world is it is pretty fucked up, and people generally suck.  You have to filter through the bad and be selective about finding the good energy.  Once you find that energy you will notice that you will continue to attract good energy.

I’ve taken some hard roads.  But I don’t regret any of it.  It’s our pains and strife that mold us into the person we are today. Without a piece of shit baby daddy, I wouldn’t know how to appreciate something good.  He made my life so miserable, that I’m appreciative of anything that falls short of “piece of shit baby daddy ” level.  I looked at my situation a month ago.  I was 5 months pregnant in the hospital with zero support from the asshole who abandoned me, failing to make an income, begging for money on a go fund me, and barely making acceptable care for my 11 year old daughter.  Yeah, things were pretty hard, but it doesn’t compare to that time when my ex was strung out living in the “crack head motel” with $20 in my pocket, eating corned beef hash and ramen noodles.  I’ve seen darker days.  So even if I want to cry and feel sorry for myself, I know that I have seen worse.  Sometimes life is just like FUCKED, but you pick yourself back up.  Everyday is a winding road.  And every day you have different roads to take.  What road will you take today?  The road that is easy?  Or the road less traveled?



To some of you this picture is meaningless… to me it means 1000 words.


I cleaned out my atrocious closet today and half of the hallway closet boxes from 15 years old.  I found this little bracelet my ex gave me.  The mala beads were meant to protect me from anxiety and frustration at a time when I was going through a hard time being really unhappy at work.  It’s a cheap little trinket bought out of impulse off of Instagram clicks, but I appreciate the meaning behind it.

The person who gifted me this bracelet has done the unthinkable to me.  He has done things to me that are unforgivable.  He hasn’t even cared to apologize or ask for forgiveness or send me an apology email. Where people don’t go, they will not receive.  He’s done things that have scarred me and will forever impact my trust in men and love and relationships.

Friday night I went to Rum Fire to meet a friend after dinner and drinks at Monkeypod in Koolina.   I had this great drink: scotch, lemon, honey and fresh ginger.  It was spicy and smokey, but slightly sweet to the palette without over doing the sweeteness, with a slightly scotchy bitter after bite.  I was outside drinking a glass of wine on the ocean side bullshitting about politics, Trump and all the rioters with a young military kid.  I told him we can go slap Trump stickers on the cars at the riots lol.  My girlfriend came out to let me know we need to leave, that a friend of ours got in a fight w her boyfriend.  We bounced to the next club to reunite our friend with her fighting boyfriend.   I listened to my friend try to smooth out their wrinkles for a couple hours over the phone.  Dealing with drunken fights is never fun. 😦  What a wonderful friend she is to be so patient as to help her friends out, when she is in an equally drunken state as well.  They too had to forgive each other.

As we drove past an ex’s house from a few years ago, we started to talk about that relationship.  He’s been checking on me low key and I know that he cares about me, but that relationship ended in a truly horrible way.  Things have never been ironed out, and I never really forgave him.  He never asked for forgiveness.  I think he knew that no words could take back how bad he had treated me.  It was easier to just run away. I understand that my bitterness was never resolved.  To me, having a break is hard and I sent him an email apology and two years later he think it’s best to not respond.  That keeps me blinded and full of un-forgiveness.

As we drove up the marina, she played a voicemail from an old friend apologizing.  They had a mutual friend die and had a big fight.  She said her friend advised her not to answer or respond.  I feel like people who do not answer calls or return apologies are rude and it’s not a reflection of you; it’s a reflection of them; that they are unable to deal with complexities of the dynamics of whatever situation that may be.  It’s like they think they are too good to acknowledge your apology.  Or they have the “one-up.”  An apology is a hard thing to conjur up.  Honestly, I’ve only been apologized to a handful of times in my life by people who have did me wrong and genuinely were seeking forgiveness.  Ignoring an apology is like not dealing with your emotions because it’s easier to ignore it, put it on the back burner, and not acknowledge the drama.  That person was seeking a peace of mind when they came to you to apologize, and if you are unable to speak to them to confront your demons, then you too have not obtained peace of mind from whatever angers you.

I wore that bracelet last night after I found it.  I wanted to throw it away at first.  But then I put it on my wrist and remembered the kind gesture behind the bracelet.  He may have hurt me, and I may quite possibly never speak to him again, but I’m not dwelling on the anger anymore.  I didn’t wear it because of some silly nostalgic notion that I was being reminiscent of the past.  I wore it because I found forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

Choices and Lifestyles


Where do I begin? At 4 am at Kelly Oneils at the bottom of my 5th Johnny Black double? At the end of the worst relationship of my life? Leaving Vegas penniless 140 lbs and overweight? When is enough, enough? When did I decide to take my life into my own hands, charge forward and do the things I always talked about but managed to put on the back burner?

My life is a book, a movie Hollywood hit played by the deranged Angelina Jolie (the girl interrupted.) ok maybe not that dramatic… Because I found my way up.

If you must know a little bit about me. I ran away from home and spent most of my upbringing in juvenile detention where most of my misguided anger was directed at my parents. I had a child at the young age of 19, and have raised her alone, without a penny of child support for 12 years. After she was born, I got into the stripping industry. I don’t hide it, although most boyfriends would prefer I do, because you can learn great things from where I have been. Lesson one, you make the money, you don’t let the money make you. The majority of strippers have drug problems, daddy issues, or are single parents. Can you tell which category I fall into? I am the single parent going through school.

Although I do have a few stripper friends, I keep them to the minimal. Usually they are single parents, and we at least have that in common. I don’t judge if we go out and they decide to go to the bathroom to “powder their nose” they just know that I won’t be joining them. The same goes for me. While I’m prepping $1000 worth of clean food and they’re downing wine with their Bucca De Beppos, I made a choice, a lifestyle choice, that I want to be healthier. (;

Not only has training taught me discipline. I’ve learned to apply the concepts of success to all areas of my life. Create a goal, and charge forward, whether it be with school, a business plan or a weight loss goal. Last fall I found myself exhausted with 8 years in the night scene. In only 30 days I built a full time clientele personal training with my iHeart Fitness HI business. I charged forward without looking back and saw when I put my mind to it anything is possible.

2013 year was my first competition

at the Sting Rey classic 2013, I placed second place in tall bikini division.  I took 1st the following year.  I look forward to competing in 2017 and finally hitting the National circuit. Competing has kept me motivated. It gives me a reason to push beyond my limits. Find your why and stick to it. This isn’t a season. It’s a lifestyle change. After 3 years of living like this, I don’t see myself living any other way.






I found an old stash and lit a half burned joint as I listened to the slow sensual beats of Sade Pandora.

“Ooh hey
I’m trying to decide
Which way to go
Think I made a wrong turn
Back there somewhere

Didn’t cha know”
Eryka Badu
Maybe I should up it up a notch to some “Parra Cuva.”  All this sulking and crying isn’t for me.   No, I leave it on Sade.  Maybe this is exactly what I need right now, so I roll with it…
“My hands are tiedMy body bruised, she’s got me with
Nothing to win and
Nothing left to lose…

And you give yourself away.”

I try to always see the lesson in every bad situation.  What did I get out of this?  Every tragic experience needs a positive perspective to heal and move on from.  I couldn’t find any positive thing out of being left pregnant by a cheating ex during a complicated pregnancy and then losing that baby.  I’m consumed with grief.

It took me an hour to make my bed this morning. I was so mentally exhausted from the miscarriage that when I came home from the hospital last night after I drank a glass of red wine, I fell asleep in my panties and hospital diaper w nothing but a blanket.  My hair was in a tangled messy bun and my eyes were puffy from crying.  This is not a sight I would want anyone to see me in.  The sheets and blanket and mattress cover I just got out of the dryer were in a ball next to me.

It felt like I was on an adrenaline high all week, anxious and in suspense of what is happening; took some pain killers on Saturday, when I hit my lowest; and dropped ecstasy and fell in love on Sunday when they pumped me full of hormones (oxytocin) post miscarriage; then took a xanax and smoked some weed on Monday to take away the hangover and unbreak your heart.  A new kind of personal low for me and I didn’t know how to feel because I know I’ve been in far worse situations that this and am thankful for what I do have, but it feels equally as bad but in a different kind of way.  A bittersweet kind of emptiness that leaves you scarily alone with your sobering thoughts.

As I slowly made my bed, I had to stop every 2 minutes to cry.  My house looks like a hurricane hit it.  It’ll give me something to do for a month; cleaning so good for the soul.  Clean and cry and think about Serah every step of the day.  I managed to clean out a couple bags today and clean off my  bedside counters.  The room was covered with clothes and junk from being on bed rest for the last two week, and Kai wrecking the room while I was in the hospital.

I think often; I’ve always felt it was appropriate to get out and move on from hard experiences instead of internalizing it and accepting that grief fully. Sitting around, crying and eating foods that make you fat, feeling guilty with every bite, but being so care free that you don’t care anymore.  I use to allow myself to get so care free and out of control and allow my spirit to be free; so free that it scared me into bringing myself back to a centered place before I got too lost out there.  I think this is why experimental drug use and living life on cruise control never harmed me spiritually.  I think it made me a better person; a better mother, friend, entrepreneur, lover, a more open minded individual.

When you learn to love you learn to give, and when you learn the joy that comes from giving to others, you become aware of the high sense of the power of love.  When doing good becomes an actual high we finally realize we are on the right track to obtaining that higher Nirvana we were blindly seeking for.  I now understand the power we possess to warm our own hearts and others with kindness.  When we are full we find a greater purpose in giving love to others in need of love. In learning to accept I have also learned to give.

“I want to cook you a soup that warms your soul.” Sade

I caught Kai, my 11 year old daughter stealing and lying.  She stole my $180 Fly Knits which are now stained with red dirt while I was in the hospital, then lied about it.  I was so mad I swear my uterus was going to fall out.  She knew she had been caught and she didn’t even talk back when I told her she was grounded from the computer and the ipad the rest of the week.  I gave her the look like “how could you do this to Mommy while she’s going through all of this” look and she already knew.

I don’t like grounding Kai that long.  Punishing kids long term is punishing myself because I have to uphold that grounding.  That’s punishing parents. :/  I want to make sure she gets the message.  When she comes home from school I’m going to make her toothbrush scrub those shoes till they are white like new because I took good care of those shoes, they are my favorite gym shoes.  Then we’re going to see what she has to say and depending if she is humbled or not will determine if she is off grounding.  I hope she takes the humble route, because grounded kids are bored kids. 😦


Ok Pandora is killing me.  I gotta get to a doctors appointment.

RIP angel Seraphim Ossa Manning

Sometimes pain is the road to transformation.  Grief is necessary to move forward and acceptance is necessary to grow.  
