New Super Set Routine. Sexy Legs and Glutes

I didn’t finish this routine because I hurt my knee.  Something minor perhaps from muscle imbalances in my body.

30 mins high intensity cardio level 15/10 interval ellipticals

30 mins low intensity cardio bicycles

Leg 5 power  sets + burn out

Squats. (bar)
Bar x 20
10 lbs x18
20 lbs x 15
50 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 10 + bar (burnout)

Bar x 20
10 lbs x18
20 lbs x 15
50 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 10 + bar (burnout)

Leg press

180 lbs x20

190 lbs x18

200 lbs x 15

210 lbs x 12

220 lbs x 10 + 180 lbs burn out

Leg extension + curls (Circuit)

30 lbs x 20
40 lbs x 18
50 lbs x 15
60 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 10 + burnout 30 lbs

Dead lifts (hams)

20 lbs x 20
30 lbs x 18
40 lbs x 15
50 lbs x 12
60 lbs x 10 + burn out 20 lbs

1 legged squats
5 sets of 20 per leg

1 legged ham curls
5 sets of 20 burn out light weight (10 lbs)

Stair jump ups (explosives)
5 sets of 20

Standing Calf Lifts

160 lbs x 20
170 lbs x 18
180 lbs x 15
190 lbs x 12
200 lbs x 10 + 150 lbs burn out

Butt lifts: 25 lbs plate on pelvis
5 sets of 20
slow 1-2 count, isolate 3, down 4-5 count. Repeat

Leg adduction + abduction ( ladies don’t want big thighs so stick to light )
5 sets of 20 @ 30/40 lbs
slow 1-2 count, isolate 3, down 4-5 count. Repeat

Leg aerobics

5×20 side leg lifts + pumps + sweeps circuit

5×20 downward facing leg lifts + glute lifts

10 min yoga stretches

Murder Your Abs!

10 mins cardio intense warm up

abs routine

Incline crunches front to sides

Captain chair front leg lifts

Downward facing twists

Oblique crunches

Butt lifts

standing captain chair twist oblique leg lifts

Chair crunches front to side

Kneeling downward facing crunches rope cables
60 lbs

Yoga ball jack knives




Legs Routine Day 1

I got offered to do some group classes at Powerhouse Gym today.  Looks like I’m going to get re-certified and start training again!  Look forward to it!  That means I want to do the figure bikini contest @ Paradise Cup this November.  TIme to get serious about training and diet.  No more smoking.  And slowing down on the drinking!

10 mins warm up yoga stretches

45 minutes intense interval cardio

60 minutes weight lifting legs

Leg curl + extensions
30 lbs x 30
40 lbs x 20
50 lbs x 10
Burn out 30 lbs

40 lbs x20
60 lbs x20
80 lbs x15
100 lbs x10
120 lbs x10
80 lbs burnout

Leg press
140 lbs x20
180 lbs x15
200 lbs x10

Hip adduction/abduction
30 lbsx20x3 4 count + explosive

Downward facing twists (hams)

1 legged lunges

Butt lifts
25 lbs x20x3

15 minutes floor aerobics legs

10 mins yoga stretches cool down

My Work Out: Workout 1:2 Back and Shoulders

This is similar to my other work out, workout 1.  Except I cut out the push ups and pull ups and added Russian Dead Lifts.  I forget to do pull ups at the beginning and I really think it’s ineffective if you do it at the end. 

I started with 30 mins of intense level 10 cardio

She has a perfect back. 

Row/Lat Pull Down Circuit Style

40 lbs -20
50 lbs -15
60 lbs – 10
30 lbs burn out (about 20)

total weight: 2,750 previous total weight: 3,360

I did 5 sets my first time because I was flirting with how much I was capable of lifting.  this time  I only did 3 sets, so next time I will aim to lift higher thant 2,750

Shoulder Warm Ups: Side Raises, Front Raises, Butterflies, Shoulder Press, Circles (20)
5 lbs Free Weight
3 sets of 10

Total Weight: 660  Total Previous Weight: 300

Shoulder Press Machine

20 reps at 20 lbs
15 reps at 30 lbs
10 reps at 40 lbs
burn out at 10 lbs (about 15)

Total Weight: 1400 Previous Total Weight: 1,460

again my previous weight was more, that’s because I did more sets.
Refer to my first routine.

Standing Rows, clean, double press

15 at 20 lbs
10 at 30 lbs
3 at 40 lbs (40 lbs got a little heavy)

Total Weight:  720 Previous Total Weight:  720

Hopefully I will build up to 40 lbs sets.

Fly Rear Delt Machine

20 reps at 20 lbs
12 reps at 30 lbs
8 reps at 40 lbs
burn out at 10 (appx. 20)

Total Weight: 1280 Previous Total Weight: 1240

Wide Grip Pull Downs

20 reps at 30 lbs
15 reps at 40 lbs
12 reps at 50 lbs
10 reps at 60 lbs
burn out at 30 lbs (appx 20)

total weight: 3000 previous total weight: 2710

Russian Dead Lifts

12 reps with the bar (about 40) 
10 reps with 10 lbs
8 reps with 25 lbs
Burn out with bar  (10)

total weight:  1900

Work Out 2: Legs

Instead of 1 hour of cardio, I did 20 minutes of intense level 10 cardio

I did a few yoga stretches for 5 minutes and stretched my legs really good

I just changed back to a pyramids routine (starting light and adding more weight each set.) So, I am experimenting with weights and seeing how much I can do and how much is too easy.  Some exercises I stay at one weight, and some exercises I do more sets than what is necessary.  What is a burn out at the end of my heaviest weight?  After your last lift, drop it down to a very light weight and do as many lifts as you can until you are sore and tight.  This burn out will maximize your muscle fail.  My next leg workout will begin to be more  consistent than this one. 


20 reps bar
15 reps 5 lbs plates
12 reps 10 lbs plates
10 reps 25 lbs plates
8 repts 35 lb plates
burn out bar

Next time I will try, 20:bar, 15:10 lbs 12: 15 lbs 10: 25 lbs 8: 35 lbs 6: 40/45 lbs (with a spot), burn out bar

Leg Press

20 reps 80 lbs
15 reps 100 lbs
12 reps at 120 lbs
10 reps at 140 lbs
10 reps at 160 lbs
8 reps at 180 lbs
6 reps at 200 lbs
burn out at 100 lbs

next time I will aim to do 20 at 140, 15 at 160, 12 at 180, 10 at 200, 8 at 220, 6 at 240 burn out at 120/140

Leg Curl and Leg Extension Circuit (Hams and Quads)

20 at 20 lbs
15 at 30 lbs
12 at 40 lbs
10 at 50 lbs
8 at 60 lbs
6 at 70 lbs
burn at 30 lbs

next time I will aim to do 20 at 30 lbs, 15 at 40 lbs, 12 at 50 lbs, 10 at 60 lbs, 8 at 70 lbs, burn at 30 lbs

Good Mornings
25 lbs free weights
3 sets of 12

next time I will use a bar instead of free weight.  20 at 20 lbs, 15 at 30 lbs, 12 at 40 lbs, 10 at 50 lbs, 8 at 60 lbs, burn out at 20 lbs.

Calf extension
180 lbs
3 sets of 10

next time I will aim for 20 at 120, 15 at 140, 12 at 160, 10 at 180, 8 at 200, burn out at 100/120.  I have really strong calves.

Hip adduction/abduction circuit
3 sets of 20, very slow (4 count)
very light, only 30 lbs

I use to do a lot of these at heavier weights but my legs are pretty big now where I want them to be.  Using heavy weights will make your thighs big.  If this isn’t what you want, which I think most women don’t, then go very light and go slow other ways you are going to end up with thunder thighs. 

I do these lying on the ground.  There aren’t really names for them.  But I lay on my side, and I lift my leg up, press it downwards, and sweep outwards as well.  All 3 exercises without stopping.  By the 2nd set you are burning pretty bad.  Repeat on both sides.
3 sets of 20

I found this picture of the leg sweeps and leg lifts, but the 3rd is pulling your knees upwards towards your chest, then squeezing out pointing your toes back down.

There aren’t really names for these either.  I get on all fours and on my knees and lift one leg.  The second exercise consists of bending at the knee and a higher lift, hitting your glutes.
3 sets of 20

I do this first with a straight leg, then next with a bent leg.  This will burn and slim you up good.

Don’t forget to stretch good. You’re going to be sore.


My Work Out: Workout 1: Back and Shoulders

I am sharing my routines with you all.  I peaked at my heaviest weight at 137 a few weeks ago.  I lost 7 lbs in just a week.  I got sick again and was bed ridden for 6 days, and jumped back up to 135.  I have been eating cake and pie and icecream while on the couch.  My goal is to reach 113 again by the end of February.

This is the tone I desire.  Of course, she has a horrible augmentation.  But I don’t wish to be too ripped like a veiny bodybuilder.  That is the perfect amount of muscle definition that I wish to have.  It still looks feminine.

So… here is my work out today.

I started with cardio: 30 minutes of interval elipticals.

then I did 15 minutes of bicycles.  Intervals are getting easy, so I tried the “performance” preset.  It was way to hard, I could barely push the pedals, so I went back to intervals.  Usually I do a whole 30 minutes, but I had to use the bathroom really bad, so I quit at 15.

I did some Bikram Yoga stretches to begin.

Rows & Lat Pull Downs Circuit. (no stopping)
20 reps @ 30 lbs
15 reps @ 40 lbs
12 reps @ 50 lbs
10 reps @60 lbs
8 reps @ 70 lbs, immediate burn out at  20 lbs

Warm up shoulders, 5 lbs freeweights: 2 sets burn out: front raises, side raises, butterflies, shoulder press, and I dont know what they’re called, but you hang with your arm dead and move in circles. 

Shoulder Press Machine.
20 at 10 lbs
15 at 20 lbs
12 at 30 lbs
10 at 40 lbs, immediate burn out at 10 lbs.

Free Weight: 30 lbs bar
widPick up bar, standing back row + clean and double press.
3 sets of 12
if you want to make it harder, go down and do 2 push ups after.

Fly Rear Delt Machine:
20 reps at 10 lbs
15 reps at 20 lbs
10 reps at 30 lbs
6 reps at 40 lbs, immediate burn out at 10 lbs.

Wide Grip Pull Downs on Knees (no bench)
20 reps at 20 lbs
15 reps at 30 lbs
12 reps at 40 lbs
10 reps at 50 lbs
8 reps at 60 lbs, immediate burn out at 30 lbs.

Push Ups
3 sets of 15
Stretch in Between

Pull Ups
3 sets of 10
I got tired and forgot, I should have done these the first exercise of my work out to warm up.

Crunches: Center and Obliques, + Planks
3 sets of 50
Center 50
Obliques 50 (lifting knees and alternative)
Followed by planks.

Butt Lifts
3 sets of 10

Cool Down with More Yoga Poses.