Taxing us to Live.

Although I think it’s a good idea to take care of the planet, could the extreme measures we have gone to save the planet a way to brainwash America into a political scheme, be an avenue to change laws, and manipulate the country?  Sounds skeptical to me.

Sure, we should use less gas.  It’s expensive.  Carpool to work.   Find alternative sources for automobiles, and to heat our homes.  Maybe use less aerosol hairspray and products.  But carbon taxing?  Taxing us on breathing?  Taxing us on having babies?   To a New World Bank?  Who do they think they are to tax us on what the government does not yield, control, create, nor what never belonged to them?   That is extreme, and our only humanly right is to breathe and live and create life.

Creating a New World Bank, and a New World Government, will lead to New World Order.  Although there are people who oppose it, and it may take a very long time to create, because the consitution protects us, there is always the threat that there are a group of wealthy people in the world, who control it all, looking for a way to make this idea become reality.  Save America, and save the consitution, because America has one of the greatest constitutions protecting us, if wielded correctly.  But that power has been abused, by the puppet masters, the banks, the Illuminati, the Bilderberg Group, whoever you wish to call it.  Greedy people who believe that they should rule over all of us.  Most people call it conspiracies.  I believe in it.   NWO believe in population control, and that is exactly what Carbon Taxing on babies wishes to accomplish.  Less population.  By brainwashing America into believing in Global Warming, they are slowly acclimating us into believe in their ideas.

[“If you allotted 1250 square feet to each person, all the people in the world would fit into the state of Texas…”In Ralph Epperson’s book, The Unseen Hand, he states that if you took the population of the world and split it up into families of four and gave them each a piece of land 50′ x 53′, the entire population of the planet would fit neatly into the state of Oregon.Worried about feeding everyone?Brian Carnell in How Much Food is Available Now? Says, “The world currently produces more than enough food to provide every single man, woman and child alive today with an adequate diet…”What About China?“China, everyone’s favorite supposed example, has fewer than 60 percent as many people per square mile as the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Obviously, then, China’s problem is not overpopulation, but underdevelopment. Many people think that population growth prevents the economic growth of poor nations, but a number of economists now suggest the opposite: every new person brings not only another mouth to feed, but two hands with which to work. Misguided efforts to help poor countries by suppressing their natural population growth may actually hurt them.”So, what if everyone DID have more children?Professor Budziszewski writes, “Fertility is already declining in every region of the world, and population growth has been slowing down since the late 1970s. In the developed countries, the net reproduction rate is 0.7 and dropping, which means that the next generation will be only 70 percent as large as this one. Nicholas Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute suggests that we may one day face not an explosion but an “implosion” of population.”]  I found this comment on a blog.

Ice this year is significantly greater than the last.  What happened to Global Warming and the icebergs melting? The main stream media concentrates on a couple of small areas of the Antarctic in order to scare you in to believing that Antarctica is melting, when in fact its gaining ice.

Those behind global warming are using it to control people’s lives and for financial gain.

Is Global Warming a hoax?  You decide.

check out

and a huge list of links @

Check out Oprahs House…  She thinks it’s such an issue

and John Travolta’s home, with his private jet

and just ONE of Al Gore’s homes

Breathing isn’t a privilege you can control.  It is our humanly right to live.  I can see myself in prison next to some thuggish 7-11 liquor store robbers…

“What are you in for?”



Kristie Manning